I only did this page to knock myself out. I mean, I don't really see why anyone would cares but meh, who cares?

  I'm not going to go blahblah too in-depth so I'll just say how I did the current layout. The picture of Mars on the splash page and the home page background is my very own icky drawing, edited in MS Paint and PhotoStudio. I think I altered the color to make the line more pinkish-red on OpenCanvas? I'm not sure, I can't really remember since the background was sitting around for a while. XD;

   I manage my websites through Microsoft FrontPage 'cause it's a lot easier and believe it or not, I'm not really familiar with the HTML codes. I've tried doing some HTML myself but from the experience, it's just frustrating when I screw up so much on the codes, forgetting to add a slash where I need it, or whatever else I can think of. So screw it, Microsoft Frontpage is a whole lot easier and not to mention faster too. XD

   And uh. I think that should cover everything you need to know about the current layout, ne?

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