English Name: Eskara, Mars
Japanese Name: Scarface, Mars. IT IS NOT MALICE. I have talked to some of the Japanese fans and they said his name was pronounced like Ma-Ra-Su. If That name Ma-Ra-Su translates to Mars so his name is Mars in both English and Japanese. Not Malice. The name Malice is a mistranslation. Like engrish or however you want to say it.

: Unknown. Anyone who ever said how old he was, is mostly likely to be a lie or some misunderstanding, because his age was never mentioned in the anime, manga, any other books at all.

Birth Date: Unknown
: Italy
Power Level: 1,380,000
Height: Scarface - 6' 8'' / 204 cm.   Mars - 6' 7'' / 200 cm.
Weight: Scarface - 167 kg / 368 lbs.   Mars - 137 kg / 302 lbs.
Theme Song
: Bible Evil

Hair Color
: Unknown. The fans like to assume that his hair is either red, pink, or black but really, who knows for sure? He may even be bald.
Eye Color: Golden Yellow

First Appearance
     Manga: Scarface - Volume 4,  Mars - Volume 5
     Anime: Scarface - Episode 18,  Mars - Episode 23

English/Dub Voice Actor
: Marc Thompson
Japanese Voice Actor: Kenji Nomura

Characters Submission: The idea of Mars was based on the submission by Ryu Hirayama (Age 25, Nagasaki) and Scarface by Takashi Hama (Age 27, Osaka)
Likes: Pineapples, 100% squeezed fruit juice, power, walking around in his battle outfit in his own apartment. (He said so in the letter he wrote to 'Dear Abby' in the anime. XD ) 
Dislikes: Roller coasters. He also seem to get mad if someone called him names. (He got mad when Terry called him a block-head in the manga.)

: Unknown. It was never mentioned in both anima and manga series.
General Information About Mars: He doesn't slack off. He shows himself to be a bit of a wrestling nerd in a way by being well rehearsed in history of supernatural wrestling and knowing many moves of the chojin wrestlers as well. He's also pretty good at luring people to believe his lies and fake stories. Mars have a scar on his back which he obtained from saving Kevin Mask's life which seems to magically reopens under stress.

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