Teehee, I thought it'll be nice to have this section here.. so other visitors can see what the site used to look like in the past. And older visitors can view the old layouts and cherish those memories. Yep, good time good time!

   This was the layout design I came up with when I decided to bring the Mars site back to life after taking the site down for a year or so. The title was changed from the old layout to this layout as well. I thought it was the most amazing layout I have ever done but later over the time.. I felt that the frames size were too small with too much space.

   The layout was here from when the site was brought back in April 2, 2006 until March 3, 2007.


   I can't stand this layout at all so I'm glad it's out of my sight now. Why I don't like it? Too plain for my tastes and it didn't turn out what I originally had in my mind too.

   It was here from March 3, 2007 until February 8, 2008


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