A special page where I show all of my gratitude. Thank you guys!
Special thanks goes to.. *bows*


My Parents - This site wouldn't exist if they didn't make me in the first place.

My Sister - She's the one who got me into the whole making websites thing. BLAME HER! :b

Teioh - For making the words on the menu section transparent for me because I don't have programs that allows me to make anything transparent.

Smackman and Max - For taking their time to take pictures of some Mars toys and send it to me so I could use it for the Toys section.

Rhandi Mask - She let me use the manga scans with permission from her old site (it's gone now so don't bother looking for it now.) way back in the early days. I still have them in the gallery. ^^

50 Webs - For offering such a beautiful hosting place with no ugly advertisements all over the pages. BRILLIANT.

Yudetamago - Because if it wasn't for them or their creation of Mars, this site wouldn't even exist and I probably would have been a half normal person. (Okay, maybe not half normal but you know what I mean.) And come on, we all have to mention the brilliant people who have proudly brought Ultimate Muscle to us.

Ryu Hirayama - This may seem corny but in the manga, it said that Mars was based on the idea sent in by Ryu so I guess Ryu deserve some thanks as well otherwise Mars wouldn't have existed!

Takashi Hama - For the submission of Scarface, Mars' disguise. :3

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