You know you like/love Mars too much when...

*It should be noted that Riya did not actually do every single thing on the list. Just the majority of it. Beside, this is just for amusement purposes only anyway.

1.) You make a Mars plushie.
2.) You draw those line marks under your eyes with a magic marker.
3.) You make your own Mars keychain and wear it with pride.
4.) You talk about him all the time.
5.) You buy the Ultimate Muscle game for GameCube and play as Mars and him only. All the time.

6.) And every time you play as him, you shout "Ultimate Scar Buster" loud enough to piss your neighbors off every single time you perform his Level Three special move.
7.) You shout at every single person who mispronounces or spelled his name wrong.
8.) You make Mars' battle outfit and cosplay as him at every convention you go to.
9.) And you walk around in Mars' battle outfit in your 'apartment'.
10.) And you randomly wear Mars' feeties around the house for no reason.

11.) You dyed your hair red in hope to be mistaken as him.
12.) And you literally put glue in your hair in hope to make hard like Mars' helmet.
13.) You buy every single Mars-related items you could get your little greasy paws on.
14.) You wrestle against other kids in school and call them weaklings.
15.) You love pineapples just as much as he does. Fruity!

16.) You have about every single images of Mars in your Pictures folder that ever existed on the internet.
17.) You draw or doodle Mars all the time, all over. Even on yourself.
18.) You got a real permanent tattoo of him somewhere on you.
19.) You have a site devoted to Mars!
20.) You have fanmade/homemade everything with Mars' face on it. Your tank top, your address labels, etc.

21.) You literally look close at the manga pages, staring at every single detail on Mars. Because you're obsessed.
22.) You claim that all of Mars' stuff are yours.
23.) You claim that Mars is real and he is in fact hiding under your bed because he's a bed monster.
24.) You randomly quote Mars outloud for no reasons.
25.) Your avatar and signature is all Mars.

26.) You have ridiculous amount of Scarface/Mars images in your computer. Even if the quality of the picture is shitty.
27.) You dress like a little mafia in hope to be able to get near Mars in his Scarface disguise and file his nails before any battles. (When Mars was 'Scarface', he had those mini-Scarfaces filing his nails. Heh.)
28.) You want to learn Italian.
29.) And move to Italy or at least go there for a visit.
30.) And look for Mars there.

31.) Then you cry your eyes out because you can't find Mars anywhere.
32.) And you know every single swear word in Italian.
33.) You even notice the mistakes the creators made in the manga or anime with the colors or missing objects on Scarface/Mars.
34.) You always correct the person every time the person makes a mistake on Mars' name, fanarts, or even quotation.
35.) You truly hate Voltman and want to stab at him with a fork or some kind of a weapon of mass destruction. Don't ask. It's a spoiler too.

36.) And beat Voltman up again. Harder. With a rocket launcher or something stupidly powerful.
37.) And beat him up. Again. Again. Again. Again.
38.) Everyone thought you have mental issues and they even asked you if you had mental issues just because you like Mars.. probably too damn much.
39.) You most certainly know you like/love Mars too much when you actually did more than half of the stuff mentioned on this list and reading this page too. Horray.
40.) You know you're too obsessed with Mars when you finally came to a realization that you needed medical and mental help. Right now.

41.) You hate Neptuneman and Wally. Don't ask why either. Again, it's a spoiler.
42.) And you beat up Neptuneman and Wally. Hard.
43.) You doodle Mars on your hands or arms with a pen in a middle of a classroom. Because it's more fun than doodling on a piece of a paper.
44.) You joined the Mars fanlisting made by KnuxieChan.

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